viernes, 4 de noviembre de 2011

Unit 7 to 10 (Alvaro Rts)

Unit 7 Chapter 1
give shopping advice

An important part that we saw in this part of the unit was the vocabulary that we can use when going to purchase a shopping center. The following vocabulary can be used when shopping: browser, haggle, bargain, shop around, shop and window shop camparison. Then I'll provide some tips for shopping. 1. If you are an informal market should always ask the value of products, because then they are misleading. 2. If you are in an informal market always tries to haggle the price. 3. Browse through the shops, never go for the first option, because you can get the best price. 4. If you liked something in the window, go to see the price.

Unit 8 Chapter 1
Describe family trends

In this unit we look at the comparative One of the ways in which we use when we use adjectives is a comparative way. In the role of comparative adjectives, short adjectives must ending in  "er" and long adjectives must have "more", both must contain the "than" to complete the function. for example The Amazon River is greater than the Rio Grande The beer is more expensive than water. A longer example is: My grandmother told me that before the houses were smaller than those now living in those houses more than 10 people, now live only 3 or 4.

Unit 9  Chapter 4
Evaluate the trustworthiness of news sources

why do you think the media get fooled by sensational hoaxes? Why do they seem to publish these stories so quitly?
Do you think hoaxes should be considered a crime, or are they harmless?
I think this kind of publications are generating money for newspapers or magazines. I think these publications are successful because people like to think of imaginary things, because they create a sense of mystery and unknown, like the Loch Ness Monster is one of the world's most famous rumors, although not proven if it is true or fake people want to visit the lake in search of truth, this helps the community of Ness by what means an income from tourism. I think this kind of jokes are interesting and let you see beyond the routine.

Unit 10 Chapter 1
Explain the benefits of leisure activities

Which, if any, leisure activities do you do?  Which would you like to take up someday?
In my spare time I like to do various activities, a hobby that I practice is a long Zudoku, I like and you have to think and try not to make mistakes. I also like playing video games occasionally. I really do not practice physical activities, but what if you make a couple of years ago was playing football, I was actually on a team. As a child I was collecting stamps hoobi, good at my school I remember many of my friends coleccionábamos. Although in the future I would like to learn to play tennis because I like it because it is dynamic and very competitive, I'd like to learn chess.

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